Everyone who runs a business knows it’s built on relationships. The bonds forged between a company, its customers and suppliers are a key component of its success.
There are other cogs in the machinery too, connections that firms depend on to grow and thrive, and that are every bit as important.
Take our relationship with Big Boots, for example. It is one of the fastest-growing online retailers of workwear and work boots in the UK, but did you know our Corby self-storage site helped them become the success story they are today?
Let us explain…
Like many thousands of start-ups, Big Boots was launched during the pandemic. Initially all its inventory was kept in a bedroom at founder Ryan’s home. However, it quickly spread to the loft as the business took off.
The more the firm grew, the more obvious it became that they needed a lot more storage space – fast!
Up stepped Blue Bear Storage.
Our self-storage depot at Corby proved to be the perfect solution for this expanding company’s needs.
Its location at the Oakley Hay industrial estate was ideal for Big Boots, and being able to access the site seven days a week between 6am and 8pm meant they could get to their stock when they needed it. No hanging around at unsociable hours.
Our shipping containers have been specially modified for self storage. They’re totally weatherproof, come in 40, 60, 80 and 160 square feet sizes, and are on sites that have monitored CCTV and recorded gate opening systems. We can even provide insurance if you need it.
Big Boots signed up with us in 2021 and haven’t looked back.
They have used multiple sizes of container so they know our quality is consistent, and they are able to drive right up to them, dropping off or picking up stock as and when required – no fuss, no hassle.
They have even used them to hold meetings (could that be our new USP?).
The Corby site is always reassuringly clean, there’s no rubbish lying around that could pose a fire risk. On top of that, security is tight, so customers including Big Boots never have second thoughts about leaving their stock there.
What difference has Big Boots’ relationship with us made to their business?
Well, Ryan’s bedroom and loft are no longer stacked to the roof with boxes. Instead all valuable stock is carefully stored in our clean and secure site.
Corby, like all our sites, is well-lit, making it safe even in the gloomier months, and the all-weather containers protect what’s inside from anything Mother Nature can throw at them.
Being able to access the site seven days a week means Big Boots can provide faster postage and the best service to their customers, one of their main goals.
We signed up with Blue Bear Storage in 2021 when our ecommerce business outgrew the house. We’ve now been with them for almost 2 and half years and have used multiple containers over that period to store stock, pack items and even hold meetings!
If it wasn’t for Blue Bear Storage at Corby, we wouldn’t have been able to grow our business to the size it is today. The site is always clean, security is tight and had no issues leaving our stock there during our time with Blue Bear.
Highly recommend!
Ryan – Big Boots Founder
After more than two-and-a-half years, Big Boots is more than happy to stay toe-to-toe with Blue Bear. Just like their work boots, we’re a perfect fit!
Blue Bear operates sites in Bury St Edmunds, Huntingdon, Petersfield, Buckingham, Corby and St Ives, and we’re ready to help you find great value business self-storage solutions. Email us at info@bluebearstorage.co.uk, call 0203 981 2900 or get an online quote today.
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